Saturday, March 22, 2008

rahmat Allah


Addunia kulluhu taab. Yes, life in this world is hectic. Too hectic. You have to strive for every single thing you want in this world, either good or bad. Allah says is the Holy Quran "innaka kadihun ila rabbika kadhan famulaqih.." Insyiqaq : 6.

For the sake of this world, most of mankind went through degrees of hardship. The Pharoahs strived to keep themselves in power. Rome was not built in one day. Donald Trump, as rich as he is, don't tell me he didn't go through sleepless nights to ensure his empire keeps growing.

And on the other hand, all Allah's messengers had to strive even harder to convince people that the world is not what they really want. It's jannah, Allah's paradise that we really are after. Rasulullah SAW, being the greatest man on earth was being mocked by his own people, and still is mocked at up till today by people who don't understand what life is really about. People who mocked him? They had to go through all that trouble, spent their time and energy and money, just for the sake of something which leads them to a doomed end.

Rasulullah went through sleepless nights, had to travel by foot under the hot scorching sun, went for wars, got beaten, to convince people to take up the right path. If Allah wanted, things could be easier, right? But no, this is the way of the world, "wa lan tajida li sunnatillah hi tabdila.." Nothing comes free of charge, you have to EARN it. That's the keyword, EARN.

Spreading Allah's word is not easy, but still between you and me, we have to do it, by hook or by crook (or by hanger). And if you think it's hard, many people are going through even harder times for this dunia, for this false worldly life, just to fulfill their temptations.. "fainnahum yaklamuna kama taklamun, wa tarjuna minnAllah ma la yarjun.." But unlike them, we are expecting something from Allah, something great and dear, worth all the hardship in the world! We are expecting Mardatillah and His Jannah.

And this is exactly why Allah created the world filled with hardship after hardship after hardship. To make us long for Jannah more and more, to make us dream of Jannah and work towards it. To make us visualize Jannah in our heads and look forward to it.

The world with it's winding roads still managed to grasp weak, feeble hearts, let alone if it's not. If the world is more relaxing for me and you, Jannah wouldn't sound dear to us, we wouldn't be striving for it. We would want to stay in this world forever.

Alhamdulillah tsumma Alhamdulillah tsumma Alhamdulillah ya Rabb for all the blessings. Allahumma tsabittna ala tareeq. ameen~

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Penghapusan DEB?

Ok people, listen up.. for those of you who are worried about what's going to happen to Penang as DAP chose to abolish DEB (Dasar Ekonomi Baru), I guess we'd better read more obout DEB and realize how it had NOT within the last 50 years of Malaysia's Independence helped the Malays in and outside of Penang.

This is an extract taken from

Q : So what is DEB actually?

A : "Sebenarnya DEB itu bukan undang-undang; ia hanyalah dasar atau polisi Umno yang kemudiannya diserapkan ke dalam peraturan dan pekeliling kerajaan, termasuk dalam soal pembahagian tender kontrak dan sebagainya," jelas Profesor Dr. Abdul Aziz Bari ketika diminta mengulas.

Beliau menambah, setahu beliau tidak ada dokumen rasmi yang menjelaskan asal usul, perincian dan pencapaian dasar ini yang dikatakan dimulakan pada 1971.

Katanya lagi, sama dengan 'Islam Hadhari', dasar-dasar Umno ini tidak jelas dan kadang-kadang tenggelam dan timbul.

"Itulah yang berlaku kepada Wawasan 2020 yang dipelopori oleh pentadbiran Mahathir. Di dalam pentadbiran Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Wawasan 2020 tidak diberi perhatian. Sebaliknya ia mencanangkan semula Rukunegara yang dicipta oleh pentadbiran Abdul Razak Hussein," jelas Dr. Abdul Aziz lagi.

Jadi DEB, Rukunegara, Wawasan 2020 dan Islam Hadhari ini hanyalah gimik setiap Perdana Menteri yang dicipta untuk dijadikan slogan masing-masing.

Dasar dan slogan ini terkubur dengan kematian atau perletakan jawatan Perdana Menteri berkenaan. Dan seolah-olah mereka sengaja meletakkan tarikh penamat gimik-gimik itu jauh di hadapan; semacam hendak mempastikan bahawa mereka sudah tiada apabila dasar itu tamat.

Oleh kerana DEB sekadar dasar dan gimik Umno maka tidak salah jika Kerajaan DAP di Pulau Pinang tidak melaksanakannya.

DEB hanyalah satu program di bawah Perkara 153 yang melindungi kedudukan istimewa Melayu.

Umno dan media menggambarkan seolah-olah DAP telah melanggar Perlembagan atau undang-undang.

Walau apa pun, Dr. Abdul Aziz menyambung, kita tidak pasti sama ada ia masih berjalan atau tidak kerana pada awalnya DEB, yang dimulakan pada 1970, hendak ditamatkan pada 1990. Tetapi oleh kerana ia gagal maka ia pun dilanjutkan. Umno jelas takut dipertanggung jawabkan atas kegagalan DEB itu.

Malangnya masyarakat Melayu melihat DEB seperti keramat yang tidak boleh dikritik apa lagi dikesampingkan.

Tragedi yang berlaku di sini ialah dasar-dasar itu tidak pernah dibincang dan dinilai secara telus, sebaliknya ia diwar-warkan ke sana ke mari untuk tujuan politik dan mengugut orang Melayu.

"Yang mengikat dan menjadi peraturan kita ialah Perlembagaan, dan ia mengikat semua orang, tak kira Melayu atau tidak," kata Dr. Abdul Aziz lagi.

Bagaimanapun pakar Perlembagaan dari UIAM itu menjelaskan, ia bukanlah sampai ke tahap menggantikan Al-Qur'an.

Beliau berkata Perlembagaan hanyalah dokumen perundangan yang kita gunakan untuk mentadbir selain menjamin hak-hak kita sebagai warganegara.

"Dan tak perlulah kita memasukkan elemen-elemen seperti Rukunegara, Wawasan 2020 dan seumpamanya kerana ia akan mencampur aduk dan mengelirukan kita semua," ujarnya lagi.

So are you still worried?

ps:-Always read two sides of the story.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

a night of true madness

Yes people – oops! before I forget, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. May Allah’s blessings be upon all of you.

Yes people, tonight I’m mad. No, I’m not just mad, I’m super mad, I’m so angry I could explode. And my angriness has its rationalizations.

First of all I’m sooooo angry with what is happening in Gaza. I’m angry with myself for being so weak and not able to help them, not through my deeds, nor through my efforts. I didn’t try hard enough to save money to donate them to the people in Gaza, nor did I put my whole strength in boycotting the well-known ZIONIST supporters (alhamdulillah I never did go to starbucks nor wear Gap jeans nor drink coke and pepsi anymore. But I still savour that piece of Cadbury when given, I still go to shopping malls gawking at the stupid brands produced by capitalists aiming for profit profit profit regardless the condition of the people today, I still enjoy an 8.5le icecream when I want to… so this makes me.. as worthiful as chopped liver)

Next.. I’m mad at how the people in this world thinks. The world is divided into three groups of people according to the Quran. First, you have the true muslims, they who believe in Allah sincerely. Next, the non-believers, those who don’t believe in Allah, and the third group would be, those who say they believe in Allah but they are actually frauds. And seriously, I have messages to convey to each one of you.

  1. True muslims. (which includes me, insyaAllah, and I hope Allah puts me in this group and no other till the very last breath I breathe.). Here goes, “Ok, so you think you’re true muslims, right? Why are you just sitting back relaxing not helping your brothers and sisters in distress? Yes you pray, yes you fast and read the Quran. But no, that’s not enough. You have to do more, you have to ensure power is in the right hands, speak up. Don’t just stand there quietly without doing anything and not feeling guilty. By not doing anything you’re hurting us, your brothers and sisters who are in serious need of your help. You have the power to change things. VOTE!!! And vote for the right government. Vote for Islam. Tell people about the corruption people in power now are totally drowned in. SUPPORT!!! And support the right wing. Hosny Mubarak, Egyptians' "beloved" Mr Pres!!! A group of people are already up against him and his corrupted regime. Join them, fight against the injustice and crimes he committed, is committing and will continue on to commit in the future. 90% increase in the prices of agricultural products?? Insanity. Yup, don’t get me wrong when I say himar kat tepi jalan yang dok kena pukul dek orang bekiak tu pon jauh jauh jauh martabat dia lebih tinggi daripada Encik Hosny kite. Having him up there is just like having a donkey. I mean a donkey doesn’t go for war, doesn’t stand up for anyones rights, doesn’t try to make things better for the people. Whatever it is that a donkey has, he has it, naturally. And the same goes to you too Mr-Corrupted-Leaders-Of-The-Islamic-Nations. Please, you are going to be asked later and it’s not just your solat and fasting. Move people, MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Non-Believers. I mainly want to ask you people a question. Why is it that you remain on the non-believing path? Why? Why? Why? Everyone has the freedom to choose, And Allah has created you, given you the mind for you think, and to choose, why don’t you choose the right path? What more evidence do you need to prove to yourself that Islam is the right path? Islam’s not the best path, It’s the ONLY path. Why do you think that every single corrupted power is against Islam? Why do you think that those who are against Islamic law are mainly those who want to fulfill only their utmost tempatations? Why do you think that the super powers of the world today (Those who support capitalism, who when given the power rob zillions out of the world’s population, yup, BUSH in particular, those who provide people with weapons just so that they can afford the most expensive suite when going on a holiday?????) are so against Islam. The answer is clear. Because Islam is the right path. If they give in to islam, there’d be no way they could be rich. There’d be no way they could have power. Please my non-believing friends, trust me on this one, I love you guys, please, open your hearts to Islam.

  3. Frauds. These people, they don’t even get the lion’s share in anything they do. All the get is a small measly profit, which they are very contented with in this falsely world. But in the hereafter, sorry to say, they’d be thrown in the bottomless pit of hellfire where it’s darker than the darkest dark night, hotter than the hottest day sun, colder than the coldest winter day. But it’s only fair. They’re the ones who made sure the true fighters of justice were put behind bars, stripped off their clothes, have nothing to eat, nor drink, not even a place to micturate let alone defecate. These inhuman people who do work for the devil are even more cruel than the devil himself. Reflect frauds, reflect before it’s too late.

Ok, I guess I’m done with. I’m still mad. Mainly at myself, Ya Rabb make me a better person this instant, PLEASE!!!



PS:-HasbunAllah wa nekmalwakil Ya zal jalali wal ezza, anqiz ikhwanana fi ghaza, Allahumma kun lahum auna wa nasira, Allahumma man azza jaruk, wa jalla sanauk wa taqaddasat asmauk, man la yuraddu amruk wa la yuhzamu junduk, subhanaka wa bihamdik, Allahumma alaika bilyahudi zalimin. Allahumma ihzimhum wa zalzilhum. Allahumma ya munzilal kitab mujriyassahab hazim al-ahzab, ihzimhum wa zalzilhum. Allahumma arina fihim ajaiba qudratik. Allahumma khuz biaidihim. Allahumma la haula wala qua illa bik. Laisa lana rabbun siwak fanarjuk wa lana ilahan ghairak fanaduk. ikrimna ya Rabb, ikrimna, wansurna alaihim. tsabbit aqdamana. wansurna alaihim. wassallahuala saidina muhammad. walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.