Yes people – oops! before I forget, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. May Allah’s blessings be upon all of you.
Yes people, tonight I’m mad. No, I’m not just mad, I’m super mad, I’m so angry I could explode. And my angriness has its rationalizations.
First of all I’m sooooo angry with what is happening in
Next.. I’m mad at how the people in this world thinks. The world is divided into three groups of people according to the Quran. First, you have the true muslims, they who believe in Allah sincerely. Next, the non-believers, those who don’t believe in Allah, and the third group would be, those who say they believe in Allah but they are actually frauds. And seriously, I have messages to convey to each one of you.
- True muslims. (which includes me, insyaAllah, and I hope Allah puts me in this group and no other till the very last breath I breathe.). Here goes, “Ok, so you think you’re true muslims, right? Why are you just sitting back relaxing not helping your brothers and sisters in distress? Yes you pray, yes you fast and read the Quran. But no, that’s not enough. You have to do more, you have to ensure power is in the right hands, speak up. Don’t just stand there quietly without doing anything and not feeling guilty. By not doing anything you’re hurting us, your brothers and sisters who are in serious need of your help. You have the power to change things. VOTE!!! And vote for the right government. Vote for Islam. Tell people about the corruption people in power now are totally drowned in. SUPPORT!!! And support the right wing. Hosny Mubarak, Egyptians' "beloved" Mr Pres!!! A group of people are already up against him and his corrupted regime. Join them, fight against the injustice and crimes he committed, is committing and will continue on to commit in the future. 90% increase in the prices of agricultural products?? Insanity. Yup, don’t get me wrong when I say himar kat tepi jalan yang dok kena pukul dek orang bekiak tu pon jauh jauh jauh martabat dia lebih tinggi daripada Encik Hosny kite. Having him up there is just like having a donkey. I mean a donkey doesn’t go for war, doesn’t stand up for anyones rights, doesn’t try to make things better for the people. Whatever it is that a donkey has, he has it, naturally. And the same goes to you too Mr-Corrupted-Leaders-Of-The-Islamic-Nations. Please, you are going to be asked later and it’s not just your solat and fasting. Move people, MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Non-Believers. I mainly want to ask you people a question. Why is it that you remain on the non-believing path? Why? Why? Why? Everyone has the freedom to choose, And Allah has created you, given you the mind for you think, and to choose, why don’t you choose the right path? What more evidence do you need to prove to yourself that Islam is the right path? Islam’s not the best path, It’s the ONLY path. Why do you think that every single corrupted power is against Islam? Why do you think that those who are against Islamic law are mainly those who want to fulfill only their utmost tempatations? Why do you think that the super powers of the world today (Those who support capitalism, who when given the power rob zillions out of the world’s population, yup, BUSH in particular, those who provide people with weapons just so that they can afford the most expensive suite when going on a holiday?????) are so against Islam. The answer is clear. Because Islam is the right path. If they give in to islam, there’d be no way they could be rich. There’d be no way they could have power. Please my non-believing friends, trust me on this one, I love you guys, please, open your hearts to Islam.
- Frauds. These people, they don’t even get the lion’s share in anything they do. All the get is a small measly profit, which they are very contented with in this falsely world. But in the hereafter, sorry to say, they’d be thrown in the bottomless pit of hellfire where it’s darker than the darkest dark night, hotter than the hottest day sun, colder than the coldest winter day. But it’s only fair. They’re the ones who made sure the true fighters of justice were put behind bars, stripped off their clothes, have nothing to eat, nor drink, not even a place to micturate let alone defecate. These inhuman people who do work for the devil are even more cruel than the devil himself. Reflect frauds, reflect before it’s too late.
Ok, I guess I’m done with. I’m still mad. Mainly at myself, Ya Rabb make me a better person this instant, PLEASE!!!
PS:-HasbunAllah wa nekmalwakil Ya zal jalali wal ezza, anqiz ikhwanana fi ghaza, Allahumma kun lahum auna wa nasira, Allahumma man azza jaruk, wa jalla sanauk wa taqaddasat asmauk, man la yuraddu amruk wa la yuhzamu junduk, subhanaka wa bihamdik, Allahumma alaika bilyahudi zalimin. Allahumma ihzimhum wa zalzilhum. Allahumma ya munzilal kitab mujriyassahab hazim al-ahzab, ihzimhum wa zalzilhum. Allahumma arina fihim ajaiba qudratik. Allahumma khuz biaidihim. Allahumma la haula wala qua illa bik. Laisa lana rabbun siwak fanarjuk wa lana ilahan ghairak fanaduk. ikrimna ya Rabb, ikrimna, wansurna alaihim. tsabbit aqdamana. wansurna alaihim. wassallahuala saidina muhammad. walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen.
salam batah,
miss u so much!
i'm mad on myself too.yes..we are so weak! can't do anything to stop that damn israel.
I just went for fundraising dinner for Gaza and alhamdulillah donate some of my scholarship(eheh!) for them in Gaza.
Kirim salam kat Nik...
huuhu..what make u b like this?n who was that '...' one?kihkih..
b patient kak battah..miss u so much!
nice post..keep writing 4 the sake of islam!!
p/s: but from my view..its better not to point to others.specifically 'those in power'.
-tulisan yg sgt baik pd ana..dan luahan yg begitu saya kurg setuju dgn cara anda men'gelar'kan seseorang dgn gelaran yg agak kurang patut keluar drpd mulut seseorang yg punyai kefahaman yg baik trhdp islam spt anda.
-nabi sendiri tdk memilih utk men'gelar'kan apa2 gelaran pd orang munafiq kecuali setelah thn ke-9 hijrah iaitu setelah turun surah at-taubah.dan penggunaan gelaran munafiq adalah drpd Allah sendiri,
-saya secara terbuka meminta anda merujuk kembali syarah usul yg ke-20 esp buku fi zilal usul isyrin,jumaah amin dan bnyak mengkaji buku manhaj taghyir inda IM.
-tugas kita yg utama yang akan dipersoalkan oleh Allah ialah sudahkah kita menyeru kpd Islam dgn cara yg dikehendaki Allah & nabi serta praktikal oleh sahabat r.a..Allah tk tanya kita sudahkan anda men'gelar'kan si dia..atau si itu dgn gelaran tertentu.ini bkn budaya yg sohih dlm tarbiyah mahupun dakwah....syiar kita dlm hal ini sgt jelas....'allahumahdii...fa innahum la ya'lamun...."
-emosi sgt penting slm tarbiyah & dakwah.dan emosi adalah elemen terpenting dlm merawat hati manusia...namun,emosi yg kurang terkwal boleh membawa akibat yg sebaliknya.maka,ia perlu dikawal dengan kefahaman yg sahih atas fikrah ini.nabi & sahabat dah tunjuk pd kita cara terbaik utk gunakan emosi dlm mengajak manusia kembali kpd Islam...dan itulah sebaik contoh dan tiada lain yg sebaik mrk.
-saya bknlah orang trbaik utk menulis kpd anda berkaitan ini...anggaplah ia tazkirah jika memberi manfaat kod anda....dan anggaplah ia sekadar usaha kecil saya utk mencari kebenaran dlm agama ini...sekiranya ia tdk menepati ciri tawjih tarbawi yg dikehendaki oleh anda.apa pun,saya sentiasa doakann yg terbaik buat anda....jadilah anda..anda yg sebenar!!!wallahu 'alam
salam. go kmimi, all of us should be donating our xtras to gaza and the rest of our muslim brothers and sisters all over the world! insyaAllah i'll try to do the same.
said.. hehe... memang tengah sabar nieh!
and to pemerhati.. you are soooo right. betul. i shouldn't have said that. but if you just see for yourself the anguish that the egyptians are going through.. himar is an understatement. i mean he's robbing in daylight.. first the middle class, and right now the poor???? gimme a break. how can one of the richest man on ALLAH'S EARTH COULD BE SO TAMAK AND CRUEL? i really thank you for the advice. insyaAllah I'll try to be less emo next time. uhibbu kullukum fillah giddan.
1.saya setuju dgn rasional anda 'bgmana bole wujud org kaya yg begitu tamak & 'ganas' dlm me'rompak' harta negara & rakyat.tiada kompromi dlm sbrg bentuk kezaliman.(walaa tarkanu ilallazina zolamu)i do agree.
2.penggunaan istilah 'kepala penyangak Mesir' is a bit harsh for me.i mean,sbb anda membawa imej figure daie yg inginkan kebaikan utk semua a problem solver more than just a problem talker.Dlm tarbiyah,antara elemen utama yg ditekankan,ialah pemilihan kata yg tepat,pd orang yg tepat & pada masa yg tepat.hadapilah satu2 situasi yg sgt2 menekan dgn penuh ketenangan,tapi dgn akal yg tajam & minda yg sentiasa hidup untuk menangkan agama ini.
3.dakwah kita adalah dakwah yg mengumpulkan manusia...bkn utk,approach kita juga haruslah sebegitu.imej yg kita tonjolkan juga perlu sebegitu.kita bkn 'blamer' atau just nk tuding jari pd siapa2.daie yg matang adalah mrk yg always memikirkan kebaikan utk semua orang.(rujuk kisah fath mekah & approach Rasulullah dgn 'kepala besar' Quraisy.dakwah kita interaksi dgn hati manusia.slogan ISHAB dlm hal ini 'sanuqatilu an-nass bil-hubb'.
p/s:tulisan ini tidaklah hnya pandangan saya.mungkin salah,mungkin itu ditentukan slps penilaian & penelitian yg mendalam.'al-haqq min robbik...falaa takun minal mumtarin'wallahu 'alam.
-keep on writing...:p-
Good words.
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