Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Palestine updates


HasbunAllah wa ne'mal wakeel..........

1. Israel is going ahead with a new settlement project, despite US' repeated requests for it to stop all new settlements.

2. EU rejects to push the UN for recognition of a Palestinian state. Foreign Minister of Sweden--which currently holds the rotating presidency said "I would hope that we would be in a position to recognise a Palestinian state, but there has to be one first, so I think that is somewhat premature.." so right this very instant, there is no such state called Palestine, it has been totally wiped out from the UN Map.. when actually it is being occupied by Israelis, who in the first place have no country of their own to go back to if Palestinians were to free their country from the occupation..

3. Israel the big bully will only proceed with a "pre-agreed on" discussion with Palestine only Palestine is willing to go to the negotiation table without terms.. Only Israel and Israel alone sets terms. They set terms with America, EU, Pelstine, Middle East. But nobody, nobody else, when expecting to discuss with Israel, should come up with any terms whatsoever, or else be considered as undiplomatic, not wanting to negotiate, and interested only in provocating the vulnerable state of Israel.

4. Settlers (living on Palestinian land)throwstones at Palestinian boys and girls who go to school each day as the pass through the villages.. Aren't they supposed to show some gratitude? Come on, leave the Palestinians alone, you have done enough evacuating them from their land.. you still need to go on with the mental and physical torture...??? hasbunaAllah wane'malwakeel..

5. US House of Representatives voted condemnation against the Goldstone Report. 344-36 vote.. i wonder who the 36 were? were they for real, or just there to show that it is not unanimous but rather a democratic act, shown by Mother Democracy herself.. America..

HasbunaAllah wa Nekmalwakeel...

Monday, November 09, 2009

commemorating the Berlin Wall


did you know that the wall surrounding Gaza and the West Bank is 8 metres high? That's twice the height of the Berlin Wall.. and when finished (seriously,don't tell me it's still unfinished??) it'll be 750 kilometres.. 4 times longer than the Berlin Wall.

Commemorating the 20th anniversary after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a new wall, an ultimate humiliation to democracy has been set up, under the supervision of Mother Democracy herself.. America.

Stop the wall!!


Sunday, October 04, 2009

catching up..


assalamualaikum warahmatullah..

catching up with the past:

1. Eid Mubarak to all my beloved out there. Please forgive me for all my mistakes, please give me a chance to improve, and if there was anything, anything at all between us, insyaAllah from my side, it's forgive and forget.

2. Salam Ramadhan, the 29 days had passed so quickly, hopefully we were able to repent, we were given the chance to do our best in lailatul qadr, may Allah give us the chance to be able to experience a new ramadhan in a new year.

3. A few days and it's Zulqaeda already, one of the haram months, where Allah prohibits war and multiplies the ajr of our good deeds.. Let's do what we can from sadaqa to saum, from prayers to zikr. And remember, you do not necessarily need to follow people in doing good deeds, do what you do best, concentrate and do it only lillah, insyaAllah the best ajr will be yours..!

4. And a special thank you to all my family and friends who came to my wedding in July. Alhamdulillah it was a wonderful gathering.. Although i didnt get the chance to spent that much time with everyone, but alhamdulillah at least we met and to think that you people spent your precious time to come.. subhanAllah, may Allah reward you for that. Uqbalkum, and please pray for us..

best wishes everyone.. fi amanillah!~


Saturday, June 13, 2009



Just my two cents (really, two cents or less)..

Please stop being biased. Please Stop.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Blogging : Credit for the hereafter


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

I remember a blogger, who stopped blogging because he was sick of the blogging community where most people are only interested in sharing bits and pieces of what they eat today, where they shop tomorrow and what they think of that person's hat and this person's smile.. Heheh, he was all out to boycott the bloggers community.. He was pissed off by the fact that many bloggers wrote petty things which were supposed to be of personal concern rather that the whole world.. I agreed to some extent.

I got tired of reading publicized diaries too, so what i did was to forget about them, and go to blogs which are more meaningful, enlightening and informative. I don't think regressing from blogging altogether is the answer. And anyway, it IS a free country.. People can do whatever they want to do nowadays, especially since most people don't really hold on to any specific values. Publicly talk about your personal life, and deepest feelings.. Or remain mysterious, it's all up to you.

In islam however, whatever you do is accounted for, and there are specific guidelines which you need to abide in order to be on the right track. Islam states that everything you do should first be preceded by your intentions, "Innama el-A'malu binniyyah." Islam teaches us to try to make every single detail in life worthwhile, and this starts with a good, clean intention.

So why do you blog? What do you blog? Why do you blog what you blog? These are the questions which should always play in the minds of muslim bloggers, in order to not in the end spend the 30 minutes in your 24 hrs doing something absolutely meaningles.. (haba-an manthura)..

And why do you comment? How do you Comment? To whom the comment is directed? And what do you feel when people comment on your postings.. all these are small itsy bitsy stuffs which when taken good care of, could lead to big profit in the hereafter, adding points to your credit..

Allah knows best!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Pride and Prejudice


when communicating, i guess without transparency, there's bound to be some sort of insecurity towards the other person. this is what you call assumption or "dzhann".

Allah says in the Quran إن بعض ظن إثم meaning that what you assume towards people could easily be untrue, and so, sinful to you..

one thing i learn from assumptions, is to NOT put YOURSELF in a position which leads to assumptions and accusations from others.. try as hard as you can to be transparent and communicate well.. (sure saves lots of trouble). Another thing is, whenever you start assuming, STOP. IMMEDIATELY!

Oh, and Pride.. pride does lead to more assumptions, and makes communications more complicated.. so, start deflating your ego for better results. :>


My new blog


I have started another blog, a new one, alhamdulillah.. The articles are going to be in Bahasa Malaysia (mind the grammar).. And i have certain things which i intend to focus on in this new blog of mine, feel free to visit it. In the mean time, this blog is still on. And insyaAllah I'll update it (the once in a blue moon update, as usual)..


Click this.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Saya dan Pemandu tremco..


Duduk di Mesir, bergelumang dengan ramai orang susah, memang sangat mendidik. Mudah-mudahan Allah jadikan kita dikalangan mereka yang mahu mendidik diri..

Tadi, naik microbus (tremco : sebutan di kalangan orang melayu) dari Haiyu Sabek ke Nadi Sikkah. Tambangnya LE1.25. Untuk perjalanan yang agak dekat, memang terasa agak perit setiap kali mengeluarkan lebih LE1.25 dari Haiyu Sabek, tapi pada hakikatnya, microbus memang kenderaan awam kedua termurah (selepas bas 50pt).

Kalau dulu (7 tahun yang lampau).. bayaran microbus tak begitu mahal. LE1.00 dari Haiyu Asyir ke Ramses, kalau dari Haiyu 7 pula, kadang-kadang ada pemandu yang pemurah, 75pt dapat sampai ke Ramses dah, dan kalau kita minta ke Nadi Sikkah, biasanya dikurangkan lagi bayaran tambang. Tapi kini, dari mana-mana pukul rata LE1.25.

Kembali ke pemandu tremco yang tadi. Ada penumpang yang minta untuk turun di Ta’min As-Sihi (Hospital terkenal di Rab’ah). Kalau ikut jalan laluan microbus yang biasa, sememangnya tak lalu, namun pemandu tersebut mengatakan ya, dan mengajak penumpang naik. Sampai di hujung Sabek, pemandu meminta penumpang turun dan menyuruhnya berjalan dari situ ke hospital tersebut. Saya yang dibelakang ni hanya menggelengkan kepala. Kasihan kepada penumpang yang dah bayar tambang tapi terpaksa berjalan setengah kilometer lagi pada tengah hari yang panas terik.

Begitulah hari-hari di Mesir, ada saja adegan-adegan yang tak enak dilihat, kasihan juga penumpang tadi.. Dalam hati, dah terfikir betapa zalimnya si pemandu.. Mengambil kesempatan ke atas menumpang yang lemah (yang gayanya seperti orang kampung..)

Microbus terus belok ke kiri, memandu ke arah Madinah Jamiyyah di Haiyu Sadis, tiba-tiba pemandu menjerit ke arah kami… “Siapa yang turun di Nadi Sikkah? Nah baki, 25pt.” Pelik. Hairan bin Ajaib. Tak pernah sebelum ni dapat baki kalau turun di Nadi Sikkah. Biasanya bayar penuh. Herm.. rupa-rupanya pemandu yang saya anggapkan “zalim” tadi, taklah sezalim yang disangkakan.. Malah pemurah dan baik hati. Sungguh, sejak kenaikan harga mendadak semua kenderaan awam sekitar dua tahun yang lalu, rasanya ini kali pertama saya naik microbus dengan harga yang sebegitu murah.

Gelagat pemandu microbus memang sukar untuk ditafsir. Banyak unexpected expectations. Pernah sekali saya bertanya kepada pemandu, dalam perjalanan ke Iskandariah.. “Berapa lama perjalanan ni pakcik?” Jawapannya? Panjang, sarat dengan tazkirah.. katanya, kita buat apa yang termampu, dia sebagai pemandu, akan memandu dengan hemat (hehe! ~tapi betul, Alhamdulillah pemandu ni tak speeding dan pandu dengan penuh cermat), kami yang dalam van ni duduk dan berdoa, insyaAllah akan sampai ke destinasi. Van ada, jalan ada, pemandu dan penumpang pun ada. Paling penting tawakkal pada Allah, moga Allah selamtkan kita sepanjang perjalanan.. Fuuuhh.. berpeluh juga dengar.

Kalau pemandu yang buat kita bagai nak marah pun ramai. Terutama yang suka nak tipu duit tambang. Al-maklum, tambang tak begitu tetap.. Kadang-kadang dari Nadi Sikkah ke Awal Abbas 50pt, kadang-kadang 75pt. Beza 25pt boleh buat kita naik merah padam. Bukan sebab duit, tapi sebab rasa tertindas.

Tapi ini tarbiyyah juga, kan? Tarbiyyah untuk cuba melupakan tuntutan-tuntutan dan hak diri sendiri.. Tapi menunaikan hak ke atas orang lain. Tarbiyyah untuk kita ingat yang Allah tu Maha Adil, hak yang tak tertunai di dunia, akan ditunaikan di akhirat..

Kadang-kadang terfikir seorang diri.. hai si pemandu tremco yang mengambil rubu’-rubu’ (25pt) penumpang.. kalaulah dikau tahu betapa nilai rubu’ tu di akhirat kelak, pasti engkau tinggalkan.. Sedangkan rubu’ itu di dunia ini tetap rubu’, tak mampu nak beli lebih dari sebungkus wafer yang kecil..

Halalkan sajalah. Kalau saya halalkan Alhamdulillah, si pemandu akan terlepas dari dosa rubu’ dan saya, tetap akan dapatkan hak saya di akhirat. Win-win, kan? Namun, mungkin tak ramai yang fikir begini… dan lebih sedih lagi, di negara miskin ini, ramai yang tak mampu nak menanggung kekurangan walaupun hanya sekadar rubu’ sehari, mereka ini dizalimi.

Alhamdulillah, saya masih mampu nak burn-kan rubu’ saya, malah lebih dari rubu’ pun.. Tertunggu-tunggu pengalaman hari esok dengan si pemandu tremco lagi. :>

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

stupid law

bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. seriously, i can't believe these people.. commemoration of a historical day leads to 3 years of jail? erasing facts, erasing memories, and reintroducing new made up ones.. subhanAllah.. Hasbuna Allah wa nekmal wakeel..

Naqba law

At Sunday's cabinet meeting, ministers also approved a draft law banning commemoration of the Naqba, or "catastrophe" as it is referred to by Arabs, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians left their homes during the creation of Israel in 1948.

The draft law is scheduled to be submitted for parliamentary approval next week and will propose punishment of up to three years in prison, an official told the AFP news agency.

The law was brought forward at the instigation of the ultra-nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party of Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister.

Yisrael Beitenu, Israel's third biggest party with 15 of the 120 seats in parliament, targeted Israel's Arab minority during this year's election campaign, adopting the slogan "No Citizenship Without Loyalty."

About 1.2 million Palestinians live inside Israel.

They are descended from 160,000 Palestinians who remained on their land after the establishment of Israel in 1948.

Friday, May 15, 2009

true, true, how true..

"Musuh bermain dengan masa. Mereka memerlukan lagi masa untuk mengYahudikan bandar Jerusalem, mengIsraelkan keseluruhan negara Palestin dan mencipta sejarah baru. Sedang ramai pemimpin umat Islam memerlukan masa juga, tetapi untuk mengkayakan diri dan keluarga serta bermegah dikenang sejarah sebagai ketua negara, walau tidak mempunyai apa-apa agenda Islam dan agenda mengagungkan umatnya."


bila duit dah masuk poket, mudah nak kata.. "projek dah gagal.."


looking back pass the 50 years of so called independence.. so what have we achieved?

1. Sistem Pendidikan yang "mendidik"

Gadis Sorok Bayi Bawah Katil

2. Cyberjaya

Komen Dr M tentang Cyberjaya

Sementara itu dalam perkembangan lain, Dr Mahathir menyatakan rasa tidak puas hatinya terhadap kelancaran pembangunan Cyberjaya yang dimulakan sejak 12 tahun lalu.

Sebagai pencetus idea kewujudan Cyberjaya, beliau berkata, perancangan menjadikan Cyberjaya sebagai sebuah kawasan komuniti intelektual terdiri daripada penduduk tempatan dan luar negara gagal dicapai.

Katanya, perancangan awal Cyberjaya ialah kerajaan ketika itu mahu ramai warga asing tinggal di situ dalam persekitaran istimewa termasuk kewujudan kelab untuk berehat dan berinteraksi sesama mereka.

"Sebaliknya, apa yang saya dapati ialah orang ramai lebih cenderung untuk tinggal di luar (Cyberjaya) dan datang bekerja di sini... sebab itu kita dapat lihat banyak kereta di sini kerana mereka tinggal jauh dan terpaksa memandu ke sini.

"Saya lebih suka jika mereka tinggal di sini, berjumpa di kelab untuk berehat dan berinteraksi serta boleh berjalan kaki ke pejabat masing-masing. Itu yang dirancangkan tetapi ia tidak berlaku," katanya.

an many more unlisted..

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Keislaman Umar


Kata-kata awal beliau setelah masuk islam:

"Alasna 'ala el-haq? Falima el-ikhtifa'?"

Terjemahan : "Bukankah kita di atas jalan kebenaran..? Kenapa perlu bersembunyi??"

~bendera kebenaran perlu terus diangkat..

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

the big brother

"A standard conservative Big Brother technique is to make wild random claims, sling mud and repeat lies until some of the mud sticks or one of the wild claims has a small germ of truth."

sounds all too familiar.. :>

Monday, April 20, 2009

Are we looking for democracy?

"Undi majoriti semata-mata tidak menjadikan keputusan tepat dan benar walaupun ia mungkin sah dari segi idari/pengurusan. Ini perbezaan antara syura dan demokrasi."
~Ustaz Abdullah Zaik

So are we looking for democracy? Or are we looking for justice? As a muslim, I know I'm in search for the truth, I'm struggling to bring back justice into this world. And justice is NOT equality, not in most cases.

Democracy may say that it's her rights to become a lesbian, and his rights to become gay.. Democracy may claim that women should be given the same rights as men, when they actually have different needs and different roles in the society. (Alan and Barbara Pease know better..)

In democracy, people vote against what they dislike (regardless of its relevance, the goodness it brings) and vote for what they like (even if it leads to destruction of civilization..)

We are living in the era of corrupted rights, the rights to do just whatever you want without giving thought towards the consequences it may lead to in the future. Democracy does not lead to sustainable developement.. No it doesn't..

No, I'm sure that I'm not looking for the man-made democracy.. I'm taking myself a step further, Why should i compromise for something less? Men and the biased laws and rules they make.

"Afahukmul jahiliyyati yabghun? wa man ahsanu minAllahi hukman li qaumi yuqinun..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

coward apartheid state


the UN conference on racism is about to take place soon. Ahmadinejad is going to give the opening speech. And so, guess who chose not to be there?? None other than Israel herself, and her allies-- Canada, US, Germany, Australia, New Zealand.

So when the time comes for the "big brother" to be reviewed, the review is so-called racist and biased.. Cowardly cowardly cowardly lion.. Can never be expected to face the truth..

Read more..


Saturday, April 11, 2009

back on track.. alhamdulillah


alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah.. just regained internet access through my laptop.. not having connection for the past 2 months was... unbelievable.. Alhamdulillah..

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Allahummansur Islam Wa '3a3izza muslimeen!!


alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah..

Israel has finally withdrawn from Gaza Strip, without achieving a single victory, and had only managed to cause major destruction. Gaza Strip is still Gaza, the muslims there are still there, those who died took tickets straight to heaven, and Hamas is as powerful as ever. Alhamdulillah, Lakal hamd ya Rabb..

There's no one in this world to thank other than Allah Himself, for the help that He gave to our brothers and sisters over there and ensured that they stayed steadfast through the tribulations. They have always been steadfast, from day one they chose Hamas to represent their voices, they have chosen to retaliate and fight against the zionist regime. and biiznillah nothing in this world could shake this faith.

Yesterday, one of the headlines in aljazeera.net/english stated that the children were already going to school. SubhanAllah.. Gamda!! Gamda Awi!! (That's egyptian for "strong") The Palestinian children have extraordinary strength and motivation.. living in rubble is not an excuse for them not to go to school. Reflecting upon the excuses i gave to not go to school when i was a kid, they sounded so lame and unimportant.

Israelis on the other hand, portrayed themselves as big bullies and cowards, pouring acid rain on women and children and now hiding themselves to avoid war crime conviction. Harhar.. Just like the malay saying, "Baling batu sembunyi tangan!"

The current israeli government must be peeing in their pants right now. They've nothing but terror in gaza, and their soldiers and commanders are at stake for war crime conviction, and Hamas and the Palestinians still manage to stand tall, beneath the rubble!

The zionist regime might have been able to cause trouble in Muslim countries all over the world, they might have prevented islam from being applied in all the other muslim countries, they might have been able to manipulate the ballot boxes all over the world and ensured that the leaders of the Islamic world are American puppets.. but their absolute failure in ensuring a small strip just next to them from becoming part of their neo-colonization is just too embarrassing for them to live with!

Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah.. May Allah give us the chance to be part this victory.

Islam is going to win, and why not when the whole world needs it. What we see in the Islamic World today is not the Islam which Rasulullah and the sahabas brought, what we see today is the result of imperialism and the efforts of the western world to prevent islam's uprising. The uprising will happen. And there are people working towards it this very instance, in every single place on earth. You can suppress it but you can never stop it. And when the time comes, what will be, will be.

It's a big loss for the zionists and those who support them to not believe in Allah and fate. Or to believe in it but prefer to live in denial.

Ad-dunya Jannatul Kafir.. Wa sijnul mukmin.. We have a better place awaiting for us after this.. What's to a few green bills with benjamin franklin's face on them?

Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah..

Wallahuakbar Walillahil hamd..


Monday, January 19, 2009

getting worse


things are getting worse, says who it can't? for instance, Barack Obama, is worse than Bush. I'm sure that many were expecting something different with Obama, and better. I mean, who can be worse that Bush, seriously? But hey, the world is full of surprises. And Obama being worse, is another expected surprise.

First of all, even before he was elected, he told the world of his undivided support to israel, he went to sderot, and he said that israel can never be without Jerusalem..

Then, the 24-day bombardment on Palestine, and he dare not say a thing. We'd think that he's too busy thnking about the economic mess Bush made. May be so, but he's inauguration doesn't really prove it. Costing more than USD150 mil, with a party around USD48 mil, it is doubtful that he cares about the sufferings Americans are going through just to make ends meet, the unpaid mortgages, the jobless graduates. Oh, and remember, he was actually on an all expense paid holiday in Hawaii during the first few days of the attack on Gaza.

I don't care about Obama, seriously i don't. I have never expected things will change for the better if he was up there. And they won't.

Things won't change with mere change of a person in the govt when the whole nation is still indoctrinated with false believes and life's illusions.

The only way to change the world is to know where you are headed. North-south-east-west.

I see a brighter future, Allah knows when. But it is there. not in Obama nor in any of the US presidents. but in us, if we head towards the right path, and fight hard for what we believe in. Allahu Ghayatuna, Wallahuakbar, walillahilhamd.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Brotherhood, anyone?


"Those who are insulting and attacking Egypt do not understand anything. They cannot do more than Egypt is already doing. If Egypt opened the crossing without regulations we would find ourselves negotiating over giving Palestinians half of Sinai to live in. This can never happen. We have already given them Gaza," said El-Tahhan.

Hamdi El-Tahhan, head of the People's Assembly Transportation Committee

~living to please other people. life's too short to make it so meaningless.


difference between smuggling and self defence


Ceasefire conditions


- International force to stop weapons smuggling into Gaza


- Immediate halt to offensive

- Full withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza

- Re-open all crossing points into Gaza

- Lift Gazan economic siege

How come we're smuggling when they get all the phosphorus shells they need from America this very minute??

Hasbuna Allah wa ne'mal wakeel..

Thursday, January 15, 2009

hurrah to inhumanity

Obama's team backs Israel

Meanwhile, hopes in the Arab world that the incoming US administration under Barack Obama will bring about substantial change to US policy on the Middle East took a hit on Thursday.

Livni is expected to press the US to help stop the flow of arms to Hamas [EPA]
Several of the president-elect's nominees for his national security team were on Capitol Hill for their confirmation hearings and Susan Rice, nominated to be the US ambassador to the UN, made it clear that she was committed to defending Israel.

While saying "we are also gravely concerned now about the suffering of innocents in Gaza", Rice also said that many had tried "to use the UN wilfully and unfairly to condemn our ally, Israel".

Rice's defence of Israel came on the day the Israeli army shelled the main UN compound in Gaza and the president of the UN General Assembly accused Israel of violating international law with its war on Gaza.


p.s:- pity the americans.. from top to bottom, they're actually victims of zionists. they're being used. they're paying the taxes, to ensure that the people who back israel would be in power, and end up paying more taxes, to support the apartheid state of israel.. which in turn controls the congress, and ensures that the president is pro israel, who enforces more tax on the people to support the gangster state israel.. and the circle goes round and round and round..

The Guidelines Israel has issued to most media outlets when they report on Middle East and especially Palestine

1) In the Middle East it is always the Arabs who attack first and always Israel that is defending themselves. This defense is called a reprisal.

2) The Arabs, Palestinian or Lebanese have no right to kill civilians. That is called “terrorism.”

3) Israel has the right to kill civilians. That is called “legitimate defense.”

4) When Israel kills civilians en masse, the western powers claim that it is more measured. This is called “reaction of the international community.”

5) The Palestinians and the Lebanese have no right to capture soldiers of Israel inside military installations with sentries and combat posts. This is called, “Kidnapping of defenseless people.”

6) Israel has the right to kidnap anytime and anywhere as many Lebanese and Palestinians as they want. Currently there are more than 10 thousand, 300 of whom are children and a thousand are women. No proof of guilt is needed. Israel has the right to keep kidnapped prisoners indefinitely, even if they are authorities democratically elected by the Palestinians. This is called [taking] “terrorist prisoners.”

7) When the word Hezbollah is mentioned, it is compulsory in the same sentence to contain the words “supported and financed by Syria and by Iran.”

8) When you mention “Israel” it is forbidden to make any mention of the words “supported and financed by the U.S.” This may give the impression that the conflict is uneven and that Israel’s existence is not in danger.

9) When referring to Israel, expressions that are prohibited: “Occupied Territories,” “UN resolutions,” “Violations of human rights” or “Geneva Convention.”

10) Both the Palestinians and the Lebanese are always “cowardly,” they are hidden among the civilian population, which does not want them. If they sleep in their homes, with their families, that gives them the name of “cowards.“ Israel has a right to destroy with bombs and missiles the neighborhoods where they are sleeping. This is called a “precision surgical operation.”

11) The Israelis speak better English, French, Spanish or Portuguese than the Arabs. Therefore they and those who support them must be interviewed more and have more opportunities than the Arabs to explain the present Rules of the Editorial Staff (from 1 to 10) to the general public. That is called “journalistic neutrality.”

12) All those who are not in accordance with the Rules of Writing above are “highly dangerous anti-Semitic terrorists.”

(Text French, anonymous, sent by a reader of the Carta Maior blog)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

al-haq yang bersistem


hanya satu cara mengalahkan kebatilan yang bermaharajalela pada hari ini yang cukup bersistem..

cukup bersistem sehinggakan mampu melancarkan massacre ke atas penduduk Palestine tanpa henti, walaupun satu dunia bersuara menentangnya..

satu kebatilan yang cukup bersistem sehinggakan doktor2 di batasan Rafah, yang hanya berdiri beberapa meter sahaja dari mangsa tidak dapat masuk ke sana..

cukup bersistem sehinggakan penduduk gaza tak mampu dikeluarkan dari sana..

cukup bersistem sehinggakan jutaan penduduk dunia tidak dapat menghentikan kuasa yang berada pada tangan beberapa orang insan yang pada hakikatnya lemah (yang dikuatkan oleh "sistem" mereka)..

satu sahaja cara... kebenaran (al-haq) yang turut bersistem..

join us.

(tajuk ini akan di updet selepas imtihan, insyaAllah)

Allahummansur da'watana, wa haqqiq ghayatana wa fiika rajaana... wansurna'ala qaumil kafeereen..

Friday, January 09, 2009

Pergi, jangan tak pergi!

Rakyat Malaysia di jemput hadir dalam Rapat Umum Selamatkan Gaza bagi menyatakan sokongan terhadap rakyat Palestin di Gaza dan mengutuk kezaliman yang dilakukan olah rejim Zionis ke atas mereka.

Anjuran: Aman Palestin dan ISMA
Tarikh: 10 Januari 2009m/13 Muharram 1430h
Masa: 10 pagi hingga 12 tengahari.


1- Menyatakan kebersamaan rakyat Malaysia dalam menghadapi penderitaan yang dialami oleh rakyat Palestin di Gaza.
2- Memberi sokongan dan kepedulian rakyat Malaysia terhadap saudara mereka di Gaza.
3- Mengutuk kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh rejim Zionis Yahudi ke atas rakyat Palestin di Gaza.

Aktiviti: Tayangan multimedia, deklamasi sajak, perasmian kempen Selamatkan Gaza, ucapan khas isu Gaza, doa dan lain-lain.

Moga Allah terima usaha ini..

Thursday, January 08, 2009

more casualties.


up till today..:

More than 763 Palestinians have been killed, including more than 200 children, since the Israeli offensive began on December 27. More than 3,121 people have also been wounded.

Eight Israeli soldiers and three civilians have died in the same period.


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Not so handicapped.


yes, we are still doing our routine chores, while Gaza is being invaded. life goes on, people say.

the fact is that, life does go on, and we are supposed to go on with our daily life, but most importantly, WE MUST NEVER FORGET ABOUT THEM. never ever.

there's not so much anyone can do right now. Egypt still won't open the crossing freely, for fear of a war between it and israel.

my doctor told me, yesterday in the morning, he was having fun, talking to the kids about the recent exams, making jokes. he went back home, switched on the tv set. and sat down with his wife crying their heart out. three schools were bombed. schools where the palestinians seek refuge.

today, he woke up once more, for another day with his students. the jokes, the laughter. but in his heart, the plight of the people of gaza was there. as he joked around, he didn't forget to remind us about what was happening there. he reminded us again and again and again.

a student asked, "so what can we do?"


"Y' know what? Seriously, I don' know what we can do. But right now, coming deep from my heart, I see that what you can do is become good doctors."

He had a message to convey. In our position, whoever we are, what ever that is we are doing, we have to give it our best shot. And most importantly, we need to know why. "why is it that i'm doing this?"

Right now, the people of gaza need us, so badly. they need our remembrance, so that we don't stop praying for them, we don't stop reciting the quran for them, we don't stop our zikr for them. Little do we know that when our hearts are there with them, we are actually fighting, giving them moral support, giving them spiritual support. And that is what they need. In return, they are willing to sacrifice everything that they have to protect us, the rest of the muslim nations with their on-going resistance.

let us read sura al-fath and try to understand its meanings as it describes the war between the muslims and the jews during Rasulullah's time. hopefully by reciting and understanding it, we will get more involved with the palestinian issue, which is definitely OUR issue.

brothers and sisters, prayers, prayers, prayers, and more prayers. yes, we should go on with our daily life, but we shouldn't act as if nothing's going on over there. if we do, it's like we're baking in the kitchen while our brother is being shot by a robber just in the living room.

get involved, demos, writings, readings, status messages, facebook status, whatever. use all the means that you can to get involve and get other people involved too..

May Allah bless us all, and may Palestine be free in the very near future..

Allahumansurna, Allahumansur ikhwanana, Allahumansur da'watana wa barik a'malana wa fika raja-ana....

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Handicapped, and the fight is going on. This is exactly what the imperialists wanted. Decapitation. They're already there, and they're going for more. And we're just doing our routine chores. Hasbuna Allah wa ne'mal wakeel.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Allahummansur ikhwana fi ghazzah!

"As long as the aggression intensifies, your losses will increase and you will sink further into the Gaza quagmire"

Abu Obeida,
Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades spokesman

Sunday, January 04, 2009

so near yet so far


people, the least we could do is "nashr ad-dakwah". spread the word. this is definitely the least we could do.

seriously, though i'm in egypt, which is one of the 6 borders of Palestine, where Rafah is the only way out for the Palestinians (or in), i don't feel like i'm nearer to it more than in Malaysia. sad but true.

it just so happen that today, my sister came back from school telling me about how a girl was giving an encouraging speech on Palestine and what was happening right now after their jamaah prayers, and suddenly, one of the teachers stood up and said, "What are you talking about?? Sit down right this instance!"

the teacher suddenly went on how the were not supposed to talk about this since they're not doing anything, just talking, nothing else.

and then another teacher said that it's not important for them to discuss, we can't do anything by discussing about it.

i was shocked. to think that my sister was sent to an islamic school in Egypt, and not being able to talk about one of the most crucial issues in the life of a muslim, the Palestinian issue. and to think that the teacher said that it was not important for them to discuss it.

Regardless. maybe it's true that they can't do anything just by talking about it. maybe not in terms of military action, no. but what is expected of these kids is for them to understand the issue. understand and feel the plight of their fellow muslims. understand that Palestine is OUR land. and they're trying to take it away from us, bit by bit. and the resistance that's going on today to protect that small piece of what's left of Palestine is actually for us, for the rest of the muslim world.

and no understanding of that sort could have happened if everyone just kept quiet about the issue. Kids need to be taught, of what's really important in life. what issues should they be focusing on, not just the greatest new look, bags, hair, clothes...

actually the past few days, before today, my sister was discussing the Palestinian issue with her friends and quite openly too. and they gave a positive response. she managed to convince them to boycott the israeli products sold in their canteen. most of them were discussing martyrdom, how they'd love to go fight there, if given the chance. maybe this is just kids' talk. but hey, where do you find kids who are willing to focus on real issues today? muslim kids are like that, they're trained since they were first detected by the sonar (even before that), to live for islam. they live with a mission to accomplish. (this is what the Godless people don't want to happen to our kids!)

like i said, before this they WERE discussing the issue. why the sudden change of behavior by the school staff?

so near yet so far, that's just it. the people here are prevented by saying what they really want to say. they have to swallow each and every word.

it's bad enough that you can't take action. Or that those who can (HM and the gang), don't. worse still, you can't even open your mouth to speak or even squeak.

silence. silence. silence. just perfect silence. while our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered alive. then bombard our brains with fake facts from CNN and the rest of the family.

no people. now is not the time for silence. spread the word. even if this is the only thing we could do. spread the word.

who knows that the word you spoke may have been the reason for someone to go there, and martyr. who knows.

Hasbuna Allah wa ne'mal wakeel.


p/s:- someone gave me an interesting Egyptian blog--> http://metrelwatanbekam.maktoobblog.com/

Saturday, January 03, 2009

O n G 2008/09

two words, Allah Kareem. Allah Kareem. Allah Kareem.
